BGC's Registry For Service Providers
What is the BGC Inc Network of registered service providers?
The BGC Network of Registered Service Providers is a growing network of service providers who are looking to secure reliable, profitable and ongoing service contracts.
Where does my business have to be located?
Your Business can join the network no mater where your located in the world.
Who Can register to join the BGC’s network of registered service providers?
All licensed businesses who meet industry standards can be a member of the BGC Service Providers Registry.
joining the network costs nothing, you need only complete our registration form and provide us the proof of business entity.
You will be given an opportunity to share on your own business profile as much detail as you can about the types of services your firm isĀ experienced providing and any types of work you are looking to acquire.
Once approved for our registry your profile will become public to all of our partners looking to aquire services like yours
Why should my company join the BGC registry of service providers?
Blackstock Group of Companies Inc. has 7 years of assisting Service providers to secure, profitable, reliable and dedicated business relationships in a mutitude of industries.
As the list of service providers grows, so does the list of our Corporate Clients looking for the Services we can provide.
BGC’s Registry gives you another location online where Corporate Companies can view and contact you based on your profile within the Registry.
When should we join the registry?
Join the The BGC’s Network of Registered Service Providers TODAY!
The only requirement is that you have the appropriate license to practice your business activities as required by your local state/country.